All the latest breaking news on BBC iPlayer. Browse The Independent’s complete collection of articles and commentary on BBC iPlayer.

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2020-6-30 · The BBC iPlayer received 70% more requests during lockdown in May 2020, compared to the same month the previous year. There were 570 million requests for programmes on the BBC iPlayer in May, up from 564 million in April, which was the previous highest month on record. BBC iPlayer (@bbciplayer) is on Instagram

BBC iPlayer (@bbciplayer) is on Instagram

下载适用于Android系统的最新版BBC iPlayer. 来自BBC的官方视频播放器. BBC IPlayer 是来自电视频道BBC的官方应用,有了它,你可以观看连续剧,节目,还有电影,并且是舒适地在你的安卓设备上。就是说,只要你有一个网络连接,同时订阅了BBC频道。 除了 BBC iPlayer | The Drum 2019-10-19