Google Search has an extra you might like. You can choose between different languages to open the search results in your language (English, German, French, Spanish, or Portuguese).

11 Google Tricks That'll Change the Way You Search | Time Think of the “site:” function as a Google search that searches only a particular website. If you want to see every time mentioned Google, use the search “Google”. 5. Overview | Search for Developers | Google Developers May 05, 2020 Search on Google Stories - Google

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Jun 11, 2019

Search on Google Stories - Google

Google Images Google Images. The most comprehensive image search on the web. Make Google your default search engine - Google Search Help To get results from Google each time you search, you can make Google your default search engine. If your browser isn’t listed below, check its help resources for info about changing search settings. Custom Search JSON API | Google Developers Jun 11, 2019