Oct 01, 2009
Oct 01, 2009 Improve the internet speeds on your Xbox One I tripled May 21, 2013 How to Connect Your Xbox 360 to Xbox Live (if You're New Jul 29, 2015 Xbox live connection. - Microsoft Community Nov 19, 2014
So I've noticed that my wireless connection on my Xbox One just seems awful. Extremely slow download times, unplayable lag in Halo, my voice is choppy in party chat, stuff like that. Normally I would assume this is a problem on my end, but the thing is I never really had these problems while using my 360, and I was using that wirelessly in the
Jul 18, 2019 How to get Open NAT on Xbox One by enabling UPnP — and why
Jul 01, 2009
I've got a wireless connection.and my router is right below my bedroom where my xbox is.I've got a bt home hub router and it is ssooo crap its untrue. I mean its simple all the signal has to do is go up how hard can that be.I've had my crapy bt home hub about a year now so I dont know if that will affect it but has any 1 got any tips of how to I know I should move my xbox closer to my router, but I can't. I have a Linksys Wireless G Model WRT54G Router, and Comcast is my ISP. I there any way I can make my internet better without moving my xbox? Feb 03, 2009 · depending on your connection type, there are a few things you can do. I run on the wireless adapter, so if that is what you use you can move closer to the router, or you can make sure that there are no other devices connected to the same internet connection.